Penetration Testing

A single data breach can ruin your customer's trust forever.

Why Pentesting?

Benefits of Penetration Testing

Identify Vulnerabilities

Penetration testing reveals vulnerabilities in your systems, application configurations and infrastructure. It also identifies actions and habits of your staff that could lead to data breaches and malware infiltration. Pen testers try to exploit weaknesses enabling you to see what a hacker could do in the ‘real world’.

Assurance in business continuity

Every cyber-attack will have a negative impact on your business. A pen test will reveal potential threats and help to ensure that your operations don’t suffer damage to costs and reputation. A good pen tester will give you a detailed report detailing your security weaknesses so you know what improvements to consider to improve your business’s cyber-security.

Test your cyber-security response

You should be able to detect attacks and respond rapidly. Once you detect a cyber-attack, you should start investigations immediately. Feedback from the test will tell you which actions should be taken to improve your defence.

Maintaining compliance

Your legal compliance requirements may necessitate a level of penetration testing. The ISO 27001 standard requires all managers/system owners to conduct regular penetration tests and security reviews, with skilled third-party testers.

The Industry Standards - We Follow!

Features of Penetration Testing

Our Penetration Testing discovers and expedites malicious and potentially risky action in your organization Assets, infrastructure and keeping your business and customers secure against threats.

Significant Threats

Pinpoint threats that commonly affect your organization.

Tactical Coaching

Work with proficient experts to improve your team's capabilities at every stage of the attack lifecycle.

Ample References

Get systematic Recommendation to mitigate commonly exploited vulnerabilities and misconfigurations.

Focused Techniques

Receive guidance on reducing your attack surface in core focus areas.

Regulatory Requirements

follows Security Standard guidelines to deliver a best quality service and robost security posture.


Short- and long- term engagements available to suit organizational budgets and security program objectives.

Frequently Asked Questions

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A penetration test is an assessment designed to find weaknesses and vulnerabilities in your company’s defenses. A pen test exploits authentication issues, cross-site scripting problems, source code flaws, logic flaws, and insecure network configurations. It is a test of all of the software and all of the technical infrastructure that keeps your business systems up and running.

Pentesting evaluates an organization’s ability to protect its networks, applications, endpoints and users from external or internal attempts to circumvent its security controls and gain unauthorized or privileged access to protected assets.

Costing basically depends on the application, its working and environment.

The same secure system today isn’t the same a few weeks from now. This is especially true for organizations that maintain and develop software. Configurations change, and so does the threat landscape. It is thus important for organizations to regularly conduct penetration testing on their critical assets.

The length of penetration tests depends on multiple variables. Penetration testing is a hands-on assessment not suited for short, quick sprints. At Dreamworks Infotech we tend to see projects starting at about one week, but most projects go multiple weeks or even months.

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